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Home-sharing: Housing That Connects Us - Survey


A photo of two Canada HomeShare participants

We would like to learn more about people’s motivation to participate in home-sharing and to learn more about them and their experiences.


We invite you to participate in a survey being conducted as part of a research study led by researchers from HelpAge Canada, in partnership with the Samuel Centre of Social Connectedness (SCSC).


HelpAge Canada, in partnership with SCSC, is currently conducting this study to better understand the experiences of older adults and others who have current or past experience with home-sharing or are contemplating home-sharing in the future, both in Canada and the United States.


Researchers aim to explore and understand experiences related to home-sharing, to gain insights on how home-sharing can foster a sense of belonging, inclusion and community, and to identify areas for further focus as they relate to research, policy and practice.  We also hope to use this information to raise awareness of the benefits of this lifestyle and increase support for home-sharing initiatives.


Please know that your privacy will be respected. If you decide you want to participate in the study, your name, identity and any information you provide will be held in strict confidence by the study researchers. Whether you participated in the study or not will only be known to the researchers from the SCSC and HelpAge Canada.


You can reach out to the study investigators, Dorothy Mazeau ( and/or Dr. Raza M. Mirza ( at any time.  Dorothy and Raza will be happy to speak with you, to answer your questions, and to provide you with more information.

Deadline to participate is Friday, August 30th, 2024.


Your interest and participation are appreciated.


We are also seeking a small number of participants with experience home-sharing in either Canada or the U.S. to take part in a small focus group about their home-sharing experiences.

The session will take place online and last 60-75 minutes. Focus group participants will receive a $20 honorarium for their time.

If you are interested in taking part in the focus group, please contact Selina at

Deadline to participate is Thursday, August 22nd, 2024.

We look forward to your input!


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